3D Modelling 2

3D Modelling 2

First concept art 

Finalise Concept art
(character turning)


Character Modelling

we had leared how to unfold a UVsnapshot

texture colouring on PS

Adding joint for model

we were also taught how to use weight paint

character line up


( It is  a 10  persons group work i was handle 4 characters in this assignment 
and other were did by my teammates. )


Cecelia is a 21-year-old adult who has a petite size body and a 9-year-old girl mindset.
When she was 9, she was being kidnapped by a gang of human traffickers. She and the others were shipped to Chicago. Her longing towards her mother and the addition of the tragic incident caused her mindset remained in her 9-year-old form.

When she is followed by bad guys who are going to harm her, she will stare at her teddy bear. She imagined the teddy bear is talking to her. In Cecelia’s mind, the teddy bear becomes huge and it tells her to kill the bad guys. The bad guys always get confused of Cecelia’s doing as she is talking to a teddy bear. After that, Cecelia grabs a gun that is hidden inside the teddy bear, and starts a killing spree.

There is a detective who starts to suspect Cecelia through the photos taken from every crime scene. At first, he does not suspect her because she looks like an innocent little girl who doesn’t seems to harm people. But when he realized she was always nearby the crime scene, he decided to investigate her.

In the end, Cecelia was being caught by the detective. In the investigation room, her mental condition becomes unstable. It turns out that Cecelia has mental disorder. She has multiple personalities - one is the 9-year-old innocent girl who knows nothing about killing, and the other one is a brutal, violent, cold-hearted girl who wanted revenge from bad guys who kidnap or harm little girls (this personality is formed because of the tragic she had experienced).

Story board


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